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Counting 1-2-3

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Secretary General speech: 12th DLS-CSB MUN (in short my speech)

November 11, 2009
SDA amphitheater
Opening Plenary

Dr. Christina Saldivar, Dean of the School of Multidisciplinary studies; Mr. Gary Ador-Dionisio, COD adviser; distinguished and respected faculties,; friends from De La Salle University - Manila and Ateneo de Manila University; and most of all, fellow Benildeans... a pleasant morning to you all!

Over the years, our Model United Nations (MUN) gets better, bigger and grander. It has become unstoppable on its evolution and improvements. This year's theme: "Consolidating Collective Response towards Economic Rights, Human Rights and World Peace in the Energy Climate era" - is indeed complex and dynamic. As each words denotes their meaning individually, an interlaced web of topics and issues could be weaved from them.

But given as such, we ought to still start somewhere and that is NOW. In our four-day conference surely we know that we cannot change and save the world as it is through our MUN. But that should not limit us on trying whether it's just a simulation to expound on these pressing matters. As students of diplomacy we can do things to serve our time in this lifetime.

We can study, learn and talk about issues, think of innovative, creative and preventive measures on our given agenda without any ties attach to it - those are the beauty of our MUN! It's an epitome of intellectual intercourse. There will be ideas on how we could adhere to resolve conflicts and address world issues. Every actions, decisions and beliefs start from ideas and thoughts.

Just think about this, as young and inexperienced we may be - the train of thoughts that we could have, someday sooner or later become the real case scenario. Never underestimate ideas and thoughts; they drove men to believe what we now call as reality. As early as now, to exercise ourselves to think what normal teens or adults would not is one thing to be proud of.

And as I always say to people, in our MUN it is NOT ITS PERFECTION that we strive for - what we want is EXCELLENCE. I want everyone to believe that what we do here is not a waste of time, it is taking the lead of having two steps ahead for the future when others cannot or would not.

And most of all... enjoy!

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